age group: 0-3 years, duration: 30 minutes
Produced by Children's Art Centre (Poznań, POLAND)
Director: Alicja Morawska-Rubczak
Scenography: Barbara Małecka
Music: Wacław Zimpel
Paintings: Władysław Radziwiłłowicz
Calligraphy: Małgosia Małecka HELLO Calligraphy
Cast: Paulina Giwer-Kowalewska, Filip Meyer-Lüters
Producer: Wojciech Nowak
A relationship - me, you and us - family, a piece of each inside another. Very close to each other - step by step discovering the world. We are getting closer and closer. How many secrets we need to discover?
Two dancers at the round stage. Circle – of life and community – and Matryoshka doll in the center. Axis mundi, symbol of maternity but at the same time object full of suprices. Matryoshka is a central part of action and interpretation.
A traditional Russian matryoshka doll form is creatively reinterpreted by contemporary design ideas. It is no longer only a folklor thing – it can be recreated by artists and spectators. It can be an object of interaction. You can draw on it, you can hug it. What can be hidden inside? From its inside one after another we can create the world. For us the form is a starting point to discuss with the spectators – the smallest and the bigger ones – about the parenthood. At the end – all holding tiny Matryoshka's babies – we will sing together the lullaby to feel that we are all connected by being humans and children of Mother Earth.